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H*LL's LiFe CoMiNG SooN

Finally..our slacking holiday was ending so easily. We got latest news regarding thesis and website project(KP) submission date.

For website project last submission date is January 31st, 2008 and for thesis (skripsi) last submission date is February 15th, 2008.

OMG...H*ll's life already fallen to us when we heard this news. However, I doubt all will think like that.

Congrats for those already completed their thesis and KP and Ganbatte 加油 Acchaa for those haven't completed their thesis and KP (please put some efforts to finish these task, i believe brighter way still waiting for us)

Hehe...After read aboves, look like I already completed my thesis hor...lolx
I still haven't completed one of chapters in my thesis..Just feel bored, so blogging for a while.

Ok...Ganbatte 加油 Acchaa


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